U Prep K-8

United VBA LOVES OUR U's!!!  We offer multiple programs via grade & skill to help them grow up in the game and love playing!   

Programs run throughout the year and registration links will be posted on social media and here on our website.

For all questions please email United VBA Youth Director

Haley North @ unitedvba.youth@gmail.com

Stay tuned and come GROW WITH US!!!  

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    Little U’s - Bring Your Parent

    Tuesdays - February 18th, 25th, March 4th

     4:45-5:45 — Kinder-3rd Beginners — $60

    This series is designed for beginner Kinder through 3rd graders. This is called “Bring Your Parent” series, because the Youth Director will take both player and parent through drills. The drills that are learned by both player and parent are easy drills that can be practiced at home to aide in their development of the sport.


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    Single sign up League prep clinics

    Clinics to cover all skills and help prepare players for the upcoming spring league. Do not have to be a player in the spring league to attend these clinics.

    75 minutes long - $30 each

    Sunday, March 2nd - 2:45-4:00

    Sunday, March 9th - 2:45-4:00

    Registration live - CLICK HERE

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    Spring Youth League

    Time to Play!! League consists of 6 weeks of practice and play versus other teams in the League. Players will be placed on a team, provided with an experienced coach and receive a t-shirt to wear each week. With the exception of the first date (all drills/learning), the sessions will be 30 minutes of practice and 1 hour of play.

    Games are played with a combination of serving & freeballs, to increase reps and live play! Sign up as an individual, as a group, or as a team. 3rd-8th grade. A total of 9 hours of time in the gym. Everyone plays every position. 1 Coach per team. Equal playing time.

    SUNDAYS $225

    3rd-5th Grade - 12:30-2:00

    6th-8th Grade - 2:30-4:00



    Dates: March 30 (Draft Day/Formation of teams), April 6, April 13, April 27, May 4, May 18

    (No April 20 - Easter, No May 11 - Mother’s Day)

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    Small Group Serving Series

    This is a series that is limited to only 18 players. Youth Director, Coach Haley, will lead players through 4, 1 hour sessions to improve their overhand serve. There will be 2 series to maximize the opportunity to get into this small group series. This also works alongside the Spring Youth League - so a great opportunity for players that are on a team in the Spring League!


    Series 1: TUESDAYS (5:00-6:00) March 25, April 1, 8, 15 - SERIES FULL

    Series 2: TUESDAYS (5:00-6:00) April 22, 29, May 6, 13 - SERIES FULL

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    June Skills and Drills

    4 sessions on Mondays/Wednesdays from 9:30-11:00am.  This program is dedicated to learning and improving the fundamental skills of serving, passing, setting, and attacking.  Technical progressions are used to create proper muscle memory to execute the skills correctly as they age.  Beginner to Intermediate Levels.  Grades 1st-8th. Players are first grouped by grade and then further grouped by skill level. EX: An advanced 6th grader may train with 8th grade!

    DATES:      June 2, 4, 9, 11

    TIMES: 9:30-11:00 am FEE: $100

    GRADES: 3rd-8th

    Use 2025-26 School Year Grade! -- Registration link opens April 16th

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    June Overhand Serve Series

    Perfect add on for those 3rd-8th attending June Skills and Drills. 4 sessions on Mondays/Wednesdays from 11:15-12:00.  This program is dedicated to learning and improving the fundamental skills of the overhand serve.  Technical progressions are used to create proper muscle memory to execute the skills correctly as they age.  Beginner to Intermediate Levels.  Grades 3rd-8th.

    DATES:      June 2, 4, 9, 11

    TIMES: 11:15 am - 12:00 pm FEE: $70

    GRADES: 3rd-8th

    Use 2025-26 School Year Grade! -- Registration link opens April 16th

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    July Play the Game Series

    For those who want to play game-like drills, this clinic is for you!!  Pepper, Shuttle, Queen of the Court, 4 on 4, 5 on 5, 6 on 6...this clinic focuses on playing the game!!  A player favorite so sign up early!! Initially grouped by grade, and then further by skill level.

    DATES: M/W July 7, 9, 14, 16

    TIMES: 9:30 am - 11:00 pm FEE: $100

    GRADES: 4th-8th

    Use 2025-26 School Year Grade! -- Registration link opens April 16th

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    JH Tryout Ready Camp

    7th & 8th graders kick-off the school year with school volleyball tryouts. Come prepare with us by getting lots of reps, instruction, play, and tips on what school coaches want to see from players.

    DATES: August 4th - 6th

    TIMES: 12:30-3:30 pm FEE: $225

    GRADE: 7th-8th

    Use 2025-26 School Year Grade! -- Registration link opens April 16th

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